It's official, I have lost my mojo. It's like I can't find the energy to do research anymore. I know that I have family that I want to research and I would like to have more than what I have now when I go back to Colorado but right now I just can't seem to push myself to look up anyone. I have at least three maybe more leads that I should be working on and still nothing. It's almost embarrassing.
I watch my father with his passion for it and Jackie with all her interest and for some reason I can't get back to it. It's like the second half of this year has sucked out my interest in so many things. Up until I started my NaNo novel my writing had been stagnate and now it seems to be flowing better but what happens after November 30th. The irony is that the main female character has spend her life researching her family and building her family tree. How crazy is that?
So I am writing off this year as a lost and starting January 1st I am going to have a schedule for all the different things that I want to incorporate into my life and then that way I can make time for all the different things that I love and genealogy will be up there.
I guess that it is for now. I simply wanted to explain why there haven't been a lot of writing lately. I am going to try to update more though out the month of December gearing up for January.